Family: Harvey Atwood and Nannie Cowgill

Husband/father: Harvey Atwood
Wife/mother: Nannie Cowgill

Individual: Harvey Atwood

Marital or other families:

Sex: Male

Individual: Nannie Cowgill

Parental family: Rev._Nathaniel N. Cowgill and Mary Francis Prather Miller
Marital or other families:

Sex: Female

Family: Warwick Cowgill and Allie Parker

Husband/father: Warwick Cowgill
Wife/mother: Allie Parker

Individual: Warwick Cowgill

Parental family: Rev._Nathaniel N. Cowgill and Mary Francis Prather Miller
Marital or other families:

Sex: Male

Individual: Allie Parker

Marital or other families:

Sex: Female

Family: Mandeville Thum and Louisianna Twin Miller

Husband/father: Mandeville Thum
Wife/mother: Louisianna Twin Miller


Individual: Mandeville Thum

Marital or other families:

Sex: Male

Title: Dr.