Individuals by name: Sarah Merrifield - Sarah Roberts

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Sarah Merrifield - Sarah Roberts
Sarah Merrifield
Sarah Merrill (Birth: about 1675)
Sarah Merrill (Birth: 1752)
Sarah Miles (Birth: 1722; Death: 1722)
Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller (Birth: 1704)
Sarah Miller (Birth: 1748)
Sarah Mills (Birth: about 1706; Death: 1797)
Sarah Morrell (Birth: 1650)
Sarah Munson (Birth: 1713; Death: 1737)
Sarah Nash (Birth: about 1600)
Sarah Neville Oldham (Birth: May 1772; Death: 24 May 1830)
Sarah Newton
Sarah Nichols
Sarah Nichols Whitford (Birth: 2 August 1804; Death: 15 August 1846)
Sarah Peck
Sarah Pettibone
Sarah Porter (Birth: 15 March 1624/5; Death: 16 March 1696/7)
Sarah Roberts (Birth: 27 April 1694)
Sarah Roberts (Birth: 30 November 1728)

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