
200th - 1850 census
1851 - 1860 census
1860 census, - 1870 census
1871 - 1880 census
1880 Mecca - 1900 census
1901 - 1910 census
1910 census, - 1920 census
1930 census
1938 - Birth
Births, - Connecticut
Courier-Journal, - death
Dedication - Directory,
Doll/Miller - Georgia
Gorton, - Indiana
Inman - letter1
letter2 - Lima
MA - Markle,
Marriage - Memorials
Meriwether, - NSW
NY - Obituary,
Ohio, - personal
Philip - Sargisson
S.G.M: - The
Trumbull - Vital
WA -

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Last modified 17 September 2008
The JavaScript files and common HTML content are copyright Chris Phillips 2003-2005