Individuals by surname: Syme - Talmadge

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Elizabeth Syme (Birth: 1763)
John Syme
John Jr. Syme (Birth: 1756)
Nicholas Meriwether Syme (Birth: 1758)
Sarah Syme (Birth: 5 November 1760)

Mary A. Taft (Death: December 1838)

John Taliaferro (Birth: 1656)
Mary Taliaferro (Birth: 1703)

Annie Tallman (Birth: 1753)
Benjamin Tallman (Birth: 1710)
Benjamin Tallman (Birth: 1742)
Elizabeth Tallman (Birth: 1746)
Gorton Tallman (Birth: 1759)
Hulda Tallman (Birth: 1749)
Patience Tallman (Birth: 1740)
Peleg Tallman (Birth: 1736)
Phebe Tallman
Samuel Tallman (Birth: 1751)
Thomas Tallman (Birth: 1738)

Henry Talmadge
Robert Talmadge (Birth: 1596)
Sarah Talmadge
Thomas Talmadge

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